Tuesday, August 15, 2017

25 Things You Can Declutter TODAY (without guilt or regret)

As many of you know, my One Word for this year is Simplify.  Part of my process for this year has been to begin simplifying what I own.  In other words - decluttering.  It has been a slow, off again - on again kind of a thing for me.  But over the past 7 and a half months there are a few things I have come to realize I can donate or dispose of easily and without guilt. 

On those days when you feel a little overwhelmed with where to begin or that you just can't face some deep cleaning type decluttering - having a list like this can help you keep making forward progress in some form.

  1. Old Magazines:  If you haven't read them by now, you aren't going to.  Drop them in the recycling bin!
  2. Old Cosmetics:  You're not wearing them for a reason.  And there's a good chance they've expired by now.  Toss 'em!
  3. Unread Books:  If it's been sitting on your nightstand for months and months - you're likely never going to read it.  If you change your mind, you can check it out from the library. 
  4. VHS and Audio Cassette Tapes:  You probably don't even have a way to play these anymore. 
  5. Accessories for Cell Phones you  no longer use:  Cases, head sets, charging cords, etc.  If you don't use the phone - you don't need the extras for it.
  6. Stretched out Hair Elastics, bent Bobby Pins and Broken Clips: If you're like me you have a whole bunch of these in a drawer or box somewhere.  Probably mixed in with all the ones that actually function.  I don't know what we're saving them for.  
  7. Lids to Food Storage Containers that have no matching container:  I know... you think you'll find the match eventually.  Trust me - you won't
  8. Like wise... Food Storage Containers with no matching lid.
  9. Unused toiletries:  The ones you received as a gift and never use.  The cute little bottles you brought home from that hotel on your last vacation.  Samples.
  10. Old Nail Polish:  Is it a color you never wear?  Thick?  Has it separated?  Toss it and treat yourself to a bottle of a cute new color!
  11. Recipe Books You Never Use:  If you suddenly discover you wanted a certain recipe, you can probably find it online. 
  12. Treats Your Pet Won't Eat:  Is someone else in the house going to eat it?
  13. Any Expired Food in your Pantry, Cabinet, Fridge or Freezer:  Expired food?  'Nuf said...
  14. Expired medications:  Just be sure you dispose of them correctly!!  Check out the FDA GUIDELINES
  15. Paper or Plastic BagsWhat are you saving them for?  You're gonna get more...
  16. Scraps of Wrapping Paper:  Do you ever really use all those little leftover pieces?
  17. Socks with No Matches:  I'm marking this one "Note to Self".  I keep a mesh bag of mismatched socks thinking the partner will show up someday.  Probably time to give it up.
  18. And while you're at it:  Any Socks with holes in them.  
  19. Or - Tights with Runs
  20. Video or Computer Games the kids have outgrown or you don't play anymore:  Lots of places have buy back programs where you can get some credit toward new ones!  Or give them to a friend with younger kids who will enjoy them. 
  21. Old Prescription Eyeglasses:  Donate them!  Many eye glass providers have collection boxes, or contact your local Lions Club for information
  22. Packets of Anything that came with a take out order:  ketchup, salt, soy sauce, etc...
  23. Old Planners or Calendars:  Do you think you might need to know what you were doing on an exact day a year or more ago?  
  24. Old Herbs and Spices:  That bottle of seasoning you bought for that one recipe that you made that one time?  It's gotta go.
  25. Pens and Pens:  I am the worst for this!  I have a pretty serious pen addiction, and it would be embarrassing for both of us if I told you how many pens I have in my house right now.  (Whatever you're thinking - it's more than that)  Keep a few of your favorites and get rid of the rest.

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