Thursday, December 21, 2017

A Spirit of Gratitude: December 21

It's officially winter y'all!  Although you wouldn't have guessed by the 60+ degree days we had this week.  It's been super busy - which is pretty normal for the week before Christmas. But it's also been a good week.  Can't complain.

I Am Thankful For:
Fresh ideas
Getting the entire daily To Do list checked off
Christmas shopping completed
A movie date with both my guys
The Male Offspring wrapping presents
Presents shipped on time
A new phone
Picking my dad up at the airport
New pajamas
Watching rain drip off the porch railing
Visiting with my mom

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1 comment:

  1. I always love your gratitude posts! I thought about you Tuesday when we drove through your neck of the woods on the way to SC!


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