Thursday, December 7, 2017

A Spirit of Gratitude: December 7, 2017

Things were a little crazy in November and I didn't get around to posting my usual Thankful Thursday posts.  But as we find ourselves in the last month of 2017, I want to be sure to share my blessings and hear what others are thankful for as well.

I Am Thankful For:
Pulling out all the Christmas decorations
Christmas present planning
Staying up too late watching college football championship games
Lazy Sundays
White chicken chili cooking in the crockpot
Quiet mornings
Good bye kisses at the airport
BOGO meals at Zaxby's
Long distance "I love you" texts
Mucinex and Excedrin
Christmas cards
Christmas trees
Cinnamon gummy bears
Spending time with the Male Offspring
When the Man of the House comes home
Colder weather
A forecast for snow

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