Tuesday, December 12, 2017

End of Autumn Recap

Technically, Autumn isn't over until the end of next week.  But with the first snowfall this past weekend and Christmas quickly approaching - I am in full Winter mode already.  Which makes this seem like the perfect time to recap my list of fall activities!  I've highlighted all the ones I completed in red, and in most cases added a little commentary...

  1. Make pumpkin muffins
  2. Read outside
  3. Go for a hike  - I certainly did! More than one!  And you can read all about it HERE  and HERE and HERE
  4. Enjoy a pumpkin spice latte  - or two... or three... or...
  5. Make a big pot of chili
  6. Watch a football game  - only pretty much every Sunday!  And a few Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays also.  We're a football loving family.
  7. Paint your nails a fall color
  8. Decorate the front door for fall
  9. Eat candy corn - much more than I should have.  🙄
  10. Burn cinnamon apple and/or pumpkin spice candles and/or wax melts 
  11. Go for a scenic drive to enjoy the beautiful fall foliage
  12. Take pictures of the fall colors - In all honesty, the fall color was  a little below average this year. I think the warm weather affected the trees and then every time leaves would start to change we would have a windy storm system come through and blow them all off the trees.  I did manage to sneak in a few colorful shots. 
  13. Watch a scary movie - The Man of the House took me to see "It".  Talk about one creepy clown!  Yikes!
  14. Wear a comfy sweater and the perfect pair of boots - It was so WARM this fall, I was wearing summer and transition outfits until December.
  15. Decorate the mantle with autumn touches
  16. Drink warm spiced apple cider
  17. Walk through crunchy fallen leaves - Took care of this one during one of my many hikes! 😁
  18. Made a delicious soup in the crockpot
  19. Snuggle under a blanket with a cup of tea and read a book on a chilly afternoon
  20. Celebrate my birthday in style
What are some of the fall activities you enjoyed this season?

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