Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Change is Coming

The weather is about to change.
I know this because our trusty local weather person has been telling me so for over a week now. But even without their meterological knowledge, I could have told you that change was in the air from the very first thing this morning.  Before I even saw the sky full of gloomy gray clouds I could tell that fronts were on the move.  It was obvious when I woke up with a ridiculous amount of sinus pressure and a bad headache.

I'm not claiming my sinuses can correctly predict the weather.  It's not like I know if it's going to actually rain or not.  Or what the high temperature is going to be today.

But I certainly know for a fact when the weather is about to change.  Every. Single. Time.

Now... if you will please excuse me -  I'm off to search for some decongestant, a couple of Excedrin, and a cough drop.

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