Thursday, January 25, 2018

A Spirit of Gratitude: January 25

The biggest thing I am grateful for this week is my precious grandson who turns 6 today!  He is truly one of the most wonderful blessings I have ever received and I am thankful for him every day.

I Am Thankful For:
Snowy mornings
Watching the snow fall while I drink my morning coffee
A busy bird feeder
Mailing orders
Half price buttons
My Valentine's day mantle
The Male Offspring going grocery shopping with me
Melting snow
Warm, sunny January days
Hot chocolate with Bailey's
Watching British quiz shows with the Man of the House
Surprises in the mail
A light box for taking photos
DIY pedicure with a pretty nail polish
Starting a new Bible study
Taking time to browse Target while enjoying a coffee
The Male Offspring was somewhere safe when his car broke down
Leftovers for a quick dinner

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