Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Without a sound...

You know the feeling when you stand on a beach next to the ocean?  Or on a mountain top with the world at your feet?  Or looking up at a star-filled night sky?  

You feel small, yet somehow powerful - all at once.  You find yourself in awe of the vastness of it.  Struck by the beauty.  A little bit overwhelmed.  

The heavens and earth are able to speak without sound.  They display the greatness and glory of God every single day and night just by being.

I want my life to be like that. 

Even when I don't talk about God, I want my actions to speak loudly of Him.  I want  my choices to display the influence He has on me.  I want the way I treat others to shout of His Love.  

I want to share God with others.  Loudly... without words.

1 comment:

  1. Just by being.

    I like that. No, I love it.

    There is a saying, "Preach the gospel at all times. Use words when necessary."


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