Saturday, March 17, 2018

Saturday Coffee: Makes You Wonder

Grab a cup of coffee (or tea - or whatever your beverage of choice is right now)  and let's talk! 

Today, I just want to talk about a few things that made me go "hmmmm" during the past week.

Why does the cat insist that he must jump up on the bed whenever I am trying to make it?  For that matter, why does he always want to come into the bathroom when I go in there? It's sort of definitely weird.

Does anyone still give the courtesy "thank you wave" while in traffic?  I let people out/over/etc all the time.  And it seems as if it's the rare instance that anyone will give a little wave.  I know it shouldn't matter.  I should do it to be kind, not for the thank you.  But the truth it, it kinda bothers me. 

The weather continues to keep us guessing around here.  On Wednesday we had snow and cold.  Thursday, the sun was shining and we were enjoying 65 degrees! 

I went in Tuesday morning to have blood drawn for my yearly labs.  I was prepared to wait about a week for the results.  However, I was shocked to receive an email by 5pm the SAME DAY letting me know my results were available on the patient portal!  I've never received test results so quickly.  I was shocked.  Part of me even worried that maybe those results belong to someone else.  LOL  

With Love,
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