Saturday, March 3, 2018

Saturday Coffee:

Grab a cup of coffee (or tea - or whatever your beverage of choice is right now)  and let's talk! 

I don't know about y'all, but this has felt like such a looooong week!  I'm not even sure why.  It just seems like it was a long time between Monday and Friday.

After a couple of rainy days, Friday was  ridiculously windy.  When I went out to run errands, I saw several trees and big limbs down.  None of the traffic lights down the road were working.  And one of the roads I usually take was closed off, I can only assume because there was a tree or power pole down or something.  We had a power flicker in the morning, but as of 5pm our power and internet were still up and running.  

I also tore my thumbnail yesterday morning.  I felt it snag and pull.  But when I looked at it and saw how far down it had ripped, I was not looking forward to having to remove the broken part.  OUCH!

I realized the other day that my roots have grown out beyond what it acceptable.  And there is a LOT of gray in there!  So now, I'm trying to decide if I should just go ahead with the same ol' auburn I usually do, or if I just want to do some highlights this time to blend with the gray to start letting it grow out.  Decisions, decisions...

How was your week?

with love,
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1 comment:

  1. Maybe you can use some kind of glue on the nail and let it grow out a bit before trimming it off. I've been gray for many years... I had mine frosted before letting it go completely gray... so much easier...and cheaper! We had some wind yesterday, but doesn't sound like anything like you had. Hope it's died down by now. Have a great weekend! 💜


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