Wednesday, May 2, 2018

When We're Apart

As I mentioned in my "Currently" post for May, the Man of the House was in Tokyo, Japan for a week at the end of last month. I always miss him anytime he's away, but it's even tougher to be apart when he's on the other side of the planet. 

The time difference can make it a challenge to schedule phone calls or time for Skype.  Fortunately we were able to work it out that when he would be getting ready to go to bed for the evening was during my late morning, and his early morning before he would head out for work activities was my early evening.  So we could squeeze in some brief communication during those times.  And thank goodness for texting!

I managed to keep myself pretty busy while he was away.  Spending time with the Male Offspring, went for coffee and a little Target browsing with the Female Offspring and the grand kid, completed some customer orders, and worked on some new project ideas for the etsy shop. 

There is an upside to those times when we have to be away from each other.  Missing him helps remind me how very much I love him and how important he is to me. It makes me appreciate him more when he is home and keeps me very thankful that he's a part of my life.  

Of course, the best part of any time the Man of the House has to be away is when he comes home.  That moment I first see him at the airport and my heart starts racing.  I feel like an infatuated young girl falling in love all over again.

OK... enough mushy stuff for one day.

With Love,
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  1. That is so sweet Beckey! Have a good evening!

  2. Sappy! 💕 Love it!


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