Monday, January 21, 2019

Blue Monday

Did you know that today - the 3rd Monday in January - is known as "Blue Monday"?  Yeh… I didn't either. 

Apparently it is supposed to be the single most depressing day of the year.

Maybe it's because of the post Christmas let-down.  Maybe it's because of the dark, cold days of January.  Maybe it's all those new year's resolutions that are already being abandoned.  Maybe, it's just because it's a Monday.

Whatever the reason, it's just not a very cheery thing to hear - is it?

Let's rebel this year!  Make today the Best. Monday. Ever.

Do something nice for someone.

Do something nice for yourself.  Treat yourself to a coffee or tea on the way to work.  Take a bubble bath tonight.  Give yourself a mani-pedi.  Read a good book.  Get a full 8 hours of sleep.  

Or... you could just wait for what is supposed to be the happiest day of the year.  Which is supposed to be sometime in June.

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