Tuesday, January 8, 2019

My One Word: JOY

If you're like me (and I have a feeling that many of you are)  - new year's resolutions just never seem to work out.  At the beginning of every year, I used to make a list of resolutions.  And every year, I would come to the end of December having succeeded in few - if any - of them.  It was quite frustrating.  And very discouraging.

Gone are the long lists of resolutions.  Now I have one word which becomes my focus for the year.  A word to study, to meditate on, to incorporate into my life and help me move closer to being the person I am meant to be.

This year's word is...  JOY

(noun)  a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.  a thing that causes joy.
(verb)  rejoice.

I want to find joy in all things.  To have it soak through every aspect of my life.  My attitude.  My marriage.  My relationships.  My work.  To experience the joy that isn't felt only in the good times, when circumstances are good.  But the kind of joy that is present even when things are tough.  The type of joy that is found in the presence of the Lord.  And to share that joy with others.

Do you make new year's resolutions?  Or do you have one word for the year? 

1 comment:

  1. I like this post! For me this year, the word that the Lord seems to be directing me to is 'Come.' My mind has been so scattered lately and I pray often, I think about the Lord every day but I haven't... (and I don't know what you think about this) I haven't been in His throne room recently. For me, there is a difference between being in His presence (the Bible tells us He will never leave us) and being in His throne room. At his feet. I pray 2019 brings you overwhelming joy so that when you look back at this year, you see just how much the Lord loves you and loves to answer your prayers!


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