Thursday, January 31, 2019

A Spirit of Gratitude: January 31

Important announcement!!  Next month, A Spirit of Gratitude is getting a makeover!  In honor of my Word for 2019 - the Thankful Thursday posts will now be titled "Joyful Gratitude" 

I Am Thankful For:
Lunch with a friend
When the Male Offspring is feeling chatty
Deciding how I want to finish up something I have been working on
Trip to the dentist wasn't as bad as I anticipated
The ice didn't last too long
Leftover lasagna for lunch
Happy hair days
All the Man of the House's flights were on time
Chamomile tea
The grand kid's birthday
Being lazy, but still managing to get things done
An afternoon of crochet and reading
A short nap
Late evening grocery stop


  1. I love a good makeover! "The ice didn't last too long"... we're experiencing that right now in Seattle. The region got anywhere from 4-10 inches of snow and temps have been in the 20s ever since. It doesn't happen here very often but Seattle comes to a screeching halt when it does!

  2. Very interesting post. I really love it. Very intresting facts you have shared. Loose Chamomile Tea really have amazing taste.


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