Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Currently... 2019

Happy New Year, y'all!  2019 has arrived!  (2019?  Wasn't it just 2k a couple of years ago??)  I hope each and everyone of you has enjoyed a wonderful start to the year and that you have many joyful and exciting things ahead in the coming year.

Reading:  Last month, I read A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.  I've seen numerous variations of this tale in movies and plays - but realized I couldn't remember ever reading the original!  I also read To Capture What We Cannot Keep by Beatrice Colin.

I ended 2018 by re-reading A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Ingle.  I recently watched the movie, which was alright but I know they changed a lot which made me want to go back and read the original, which was one of my favorites as a child.

I have kicked off 2019 with a bit of a challenge.  I am reading the first of my 5 "must read classics" that I want to read as part of my "Before 50" list - Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy.

Celebrating:  This month we celebrate the Grand Kid's birthday.  I can't believe that he's almost 7 years old!  It doesn't seem that long ago I was seeing his sweet little face for the first time.

Enjoying:  Setting goals and planning for 2019!

Anticipating:  Having things back to "normal" after the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season

Working On:  Doing a better job of planning ahead and scheduling posts for the blog, as well as social media posts for my Etsy shop.  (which brings me to my "Currently Needing" for the month)

Making:  Some new "ready to ship" items for my Etsy shop.  Including some unique cotton bath puffs that aren't available in the "choose your color" listing.  And some Valentine's Day themed items.

Wanting:  To lose some weight before the Female Offspring's wedding.  Right now, this looks like trying to get into some kind of routine when it comes to walking - either outside (when the weather allows) or on the treadmill. .

Needing:  Ideas for new blog posts in 2019!

Feeling:  Excited about 2019 and all the still unknown experiences it will bring my way!

Favorite Things:
  1. An afternoon cup of Constant Comment tea with honey 
  2. My new Kindle Fire
  3. My 2019 planners (yes...  I have more than one)


  1. Looks like you have some great goals for 2019! Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you, Cindy. Happy new year to you also!

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