Thursday, April 1, 2021

Thankful Thursday: April 1, 2021

This Sunday marks the celebration of the thing I am most thankful for in life.  The Gift of love, grace, mercy, and salvation.  What are you thankful for this week?

I Am Thankful For:

Two walks in one day

Pups wading in the creek

The trees are in bloom

Productive days

Hanging out and talking with the family

Healthy snacks

Delicious (and healthy) breakfasts

When the Man of the House makes me blush

Planning for vacation

Listening to the rain while meditating

Receiving my first Covid vaccine

Making it safely home through the storms

The Man of the House taking the dogs out

A sunny afternoon

Custom orders

New house plants

Rainy Sunday mornings

WW friendly comfort food

Local honey

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