Thursday, April 15, 2021

Thankful Thursday: April 15, 2021

It was one of those weeks when it's easy to be thankful because of all the blessings coming at you. My sore throat went away. I had time with the grandkid while he was on Spring Break, and had a nice long talk with the Male Offspring.  

What are you thankful for this week? 

I Am Thankful For:

My sore throat is gone

Days with the grand kid

Lunch on the porch

Clean laundry

Spending time outside

Projects completed

Songs that make me want to sing along

Wind chimes

Pretty new bedding

Morning quiet time on the porch

Closer to meeting a big goal

Listening to the grand kid laugh

Staying up late to watch a movie

Rainy mornings

Family dinner

New bird feeders

Sunday breakfast

Clean pups

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