Thursday, January 16, 2014

A Spirit of Gratitude: January 16, 2014

This week I am Thankful for:

A clean living room
The beauty of a foggy morning
An organized and clean fridge
Football playoffs and pizza with friends
Clear blue skies and comfortable temperatures
Early morning quiet
The Man of the House coming home early
New pants for the male offspring
The Man of the House and the grand baby coloring together
My new FitBit
Hearing the male offspring tells his nephew "I love you"
New crochet orders
Watching the snow falling

Linking up with:
thankful thursday


  1. I love your list my favorite is clean living room as well as the beauty in a foggy morning. Blessings

    1. Thanks Bethe! The fog just seems to make everything softer somehow.

  2. We had a really foggy morning this week, too...and snow...and cold temps...and rain....and sunshine!!! All comes from living in East TN!!! HOPE you have a great weekend!!!

    1. Same here on this side of the Blue Ridge! Our weather has been all over the place for the past 2 weeks!


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