Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Spirit of Gratitude: August 21

This Week I Am Thankful For:

Having air conditioning off and the windows open
Quiet time
Ordering a new phone
Holds waiting at the library
Sending packages in the mail
Splitting the last brownie
An early morning start
Eating hot wings with the Man of the House
Cute phone covers
Staying up late watching scary movie
Preseason football

Lovely coral nail polish
Smoked pork roast
The energy coffee provides

Fresh baked biscuits
The Target Cartwheel app
Mom dropping by
Ice cream cones
Laundry is caught up

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  1. Love this! Nothing better than counting your blessings :)

  2. I love pistachios, brownies & ice cream cones.

    I need to catch up on my laundry.

  3. It's so nice when you can turn the AC off and open the windows, I think that's a few months away for us though.


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