Monday, August 4, 2014

Three Things: I Want To Visit

Honestly, I have a long  list of places where I would like to visit if time and travel expense were not an issue. A very long, long list.  Paris, London, Nova Scotia, Alaska...   You can see some of the places I dream of visiting on my Pinterest board: Be Dreaming  These three are definitely in the top five!

1)  Hawaii:  I'm not even picky about which island.  I'll take any (or all) of them. No... that's not entirely true.  Because if I'm going to Hawaii, a visit to Pearl Harbor would be a must for me.

 2)  The Giant Redwoods: I don't know what it is.  I just like the idea of seeing something that big that grew in nature.

3)  Salzburg, Austria: This is where my father was born, and lived the first 5 years of his life.  I'm curious...

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  1. Oh great choices. The Redwoods would be amazing to see in person! And who doesn't love Hawaii! Hope you travel to these beautiful places very soon!

  2. I've always wanted to travel to Italy, where my grandparents are from.


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