Monday, August 11, 2014

And The Winner Is...

Congratulations to Deb H!  She won the Hand Crocheted Cotton Spa Bath Set Giveaway! 
(Ms. Deb - your prize will be in the mail before the end of this week!)

Thanks to all who entered! 

If you didn't win, but would like a Spa Bath Set of your very own, I am offering  20% OFF any order at Queen B's Busy Work using code: REALITY.  This code will expire on August 31, 2014.

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  1. Thank you so much, Ms. Beckey!! I'm so excited to get my goodies!!! HOPE you have an awesome week!!!

  2. Congratulations Deb H.

    This has been a good week.

    I actually won a book I was trying to win.


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