Friday, August 29, 2014

Ten Questions

I want to thank Michelle at New Horizon Reviews for tagging my blog for the Liebster Award!

I typically don't do many 'tag - you're it' type posts on here.  But...
1) I liked her questions and wanted to answer them. (except for one... you'll see...)
2) I always seem to need some good writing prompts these days!

So... here we go!

(1) What made you start a blog?
um... good question!  I've always liked to write and I think I just saw it as a place to express myself. An online journal of sorts. It has just sort of grown and developed over the years.
(2) What is one tip you would offer a new blogger?
Don't be afraid to hit the publish button no matter what you wrote. Your blog doesn't have to be just like anyone else.  It's yours.  Your thoughts, your platform, your writing.  Be yourself.  
(3) Where does your blogging inspiration come from?
God... my family... life... every moment
(4) What do you like best about blogging?
Having an outlet for some of the thoughts that roll around in my head all day.  #2 favorite thing is comments from readers.  I loooove comments!!
(5) Are you a morning person? Why/Why not?
No!  I would be an early to bed, late to rise kinda gal if I could.  But I do make myself get up before the sun on most mornings so I can have some quiet time before the busyness of the day gets in the way.
(6) Who has the biggest influence on you? Why?
Other than God?  That would have to be the Man of the House.  He is always there for me. He is kind, giving, and compassionate.  He's strong.  He has an amazing work ethic.  I admire him and wish I could be more like him sometimes. He supports all my crazy dreams and encourages me to go for them.  He comforts me when I feel like I'm falling flat on my face.  And he makes me feel beautiful. 
(7) What is your favorite book?
Nope.  Just no.  I can't do it.  This is one of my very least favorite questions in the history of questions.  Ever.   I love books.  So many books.  I can't possible pick just one as my favorite.  That would be like picking a favorite offspring.

(8) What is the first book you remember reading?
"The Three Little Pigs"  Which happens to be the first book I ever read by myself.  I was in kindergarten - which at that time was optional, so they didn't start teaching reading until first grade.  But I kept begging and begging my teacher to let me read, so she hooked me up.  I still remember how proud I was of myself for reading "straw"  because that is a very hard word when you are just starting out!

(9) How do you feel about print books versus e-books?
I like the convenience of e-books.  Being able to carry as many as I want with me in one lightweight device.  Lovely!  But nothing will ever replace print books for me.  Holding the book, feeling the spine give for the first time, turning the pages.  The BEST!
(10) What is your favorite piece of furniture? Why? 

     My bed.  Because that's where I sleep.  And read.

And thats about that.  (Michelle, I hope you will forgive me if I don't tag other bloggers and pass this on!)

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  1. I so enjoy reading answers to questions that help us know each other more personally. My answers would be very similar to yours! HOPE you have a great Labor Day weekend!

  2. Hi Beckey, thank you so much for taking the time to answer the questions. I enjoyed reading your answers. It's ok that you didn't tag others.

    I remember when I was afraid to hit the publish button. Now I just go with the flow. Some of my posts get more comments than others, and that's ok.

    I feel the same way about e-books vs physical books. I love the convenience of carrying so many books with you. However I love the feel and smell of a physical book.

    Have a great weekend my friend!


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