Monday, August 25, 2014

Three Things: I Enjoy About Back To School Season

It's back to school time!  Our schools started back to class today.  There's just something about this time of year.  I've always enjoyed it, even back when I was the one going back to school.  Here's a few reasons why:

1) Back to School Supplies: I love brand spankin' new school supplies!  From a never written in notebook to a freshly sharpened pencil and new pens.  The very best of all this always has been and always will be the new box of crayons.  One of the best simple pleasures in life is opening that box of crayons and seeing all those perfect little tips pointing up at you. Selecting just the right color and putting that crayon to paper for the very first time.  (yes, I am in my 40s and I still love coloring!)

2) Fresh Starts:  Every new school year is a new beginning.  New classes, new teachers, a new chance to start over and do your best. 

3) Quiet Time: C'mon... what stay at home or work from home mom doesn't love back to school because you know it's gonna mean a little bit of time to yourself while the kiddos are in school?  Getting to go grocery shopping without someone hanging on the cart begging for every sugary item on display. You know it!  Sadly, I'm going to be missing out on this perk of the back to school seaons this year as I will be watching the grand baby while the female offspring is in her college classes AND working the after school program at our local elementary. 

What's your favorite thing about back to school?

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  1. Yay for back to school! We've been in school awhile now, its still shocking to hear of some schools still starting later than us.

    Stopping by from the mingle :)

  2. My favorite thing about back-to-school...
    I think I'm more excited about what they will be learning than they are.

    Beckey,I wanted to come by and let you know I've awarded you the Liebster Award. Please come by my blog so you'll see the questions. Thanks
    Also, please let me know if you do the questions so I can come see them.


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