Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Spirit of Gratitude: August 28

Falling asleep snuggled up to the Man of the House
Curly hair
Pumpkin Spice Lattes are coming back early this year
Blowing bubbles
New year of guitar lessons begins for the Male Offspring
Reading to the grand baby
Text messages that make me laugh
The Man of the House bringing home pizza
Pumpkin ale
Late summer days that feel like fall
Fantasy Football draft day
Spending time with The Man of the House
Fried pickles
Picnic at the park
Family time
Early to bed
Shopping for school supplies
Filling out school paperwork
Cuddling up for the length of the snooze button
The grand baby showing us how strong he is
Having too many ideas to keep up with
A house full of homework being done
The blurry quiet of a foggy morning

all photos courtesy of

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  1. I so enjoy reading things you're grateful for!!! HOPE you have a great Labor Day weekend!

  2. I am thankful that today is my mom's birthday.
    She lives in another state and has dementia.
    So even tho she doesn't know it's her birthday.
    I am grateful for her.

    I don't think I have ever heard of Pumpkin Ale.
    Sounds interesting.


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