Monday, August 11, 2014

Three Things: I Should Do This Week

I have been mostly off the grid for the past 2 weeks.  First I flew out to Oklahoma to visit my youngest sister and her family (had a great time! more on that later!) Then we did a 2 day road trip back here (more good times. Again.. more on that later)  where she stayed with me for a few days.  Things are finally back to "normal" routine, but there's lots of catching up to be done!  Here are three things I need to do this week:

1) Catch up on blog posts!  So much to write... so little time! Especially with what all else I need to get done this week.

2) Catch up on laundry:  After almost 2 weeks it really starts piling up.  This should take most of the week to get things caught up.

3)  Remember to return my library books: Which are already overdue.  Because they were due while I was gone.  And I forgot to return them before I left.  Oops!!

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  1. I used to blog three things I wanted to accomplish over the week. I loved doing that it made me accountable. Oh and I'm always forgetting to get to the library on time LOL!

  2. I need to get to the library. In fact, I need to pick up a book for one of my sons. I had planned on doing it this afternoon, but a neighborhood kid showed up to play with my kids. Oh, well.

  3. I don't like borrowing books from the library because I worry about the due dates.

    We always have loads of laundry to do.

    Anyhoo, sounds like you had a great visit both ways.

  4. I am so glad you could visit your sister in Oklahoma. What a treat and then a road trip too. Thank you for sharing your lovely post with us here at “Tell Me a Story.” At:


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