Monday, October 5, 2015

A Spirit of Gratitude: October 5

I Am Thankful For:

Feeling creative
The leaves really beginning to show their colors
Baby tomatoes

Purple carrots
Starting a new To Do list
The Man of the House helping the female offspring with her car
Watching Downton Abbey

Another rainy day
Spending the morning with the female offspring and the grand baby
The end of September
The beginning of October

The rain and flooding not being as bad as originally forecast
Not losing power
The Carolina Panthers are 4-0
The grand baby laughing at the Man's silliness
Finally finding my fall decorations
Chocolate cupcakes
The Male Offspring doing well in school

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1 comment:

  1. We're still getting tomatoes off our 4 plants (and some that came up volunteer)....what a blessing!!! We've also got watermelon that came up volunteer! Ain't God good?!?!? ;-) I mailed your little happy's supposed to get there by Thursday!


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