Friday, March 14, 2014

Not Forsaken

This week I am linking up with SheReadsTruthcom for #SheSharesTruth. Every Monday during Lent, SheReadsTruth assigns a portion of Scripture to study and write about. And today is the day we share what we’ve learned by writing in our own spaces and linking to that here. This weeks assignment was: Psalm 38.

Feeling separated from God can be painful - spiritually, emotionally, even physically.

It can feel oppressive. Overwhelming. Heavy. Consuming. Leaving you full of guilt or shame.

You may feel lost. Abandoned. Rejected. Alone. Hopeless.  Despised.

But there is hope! No matter how far away God seems at the time, you can turn back to him.  You can confess the sins that trouble you. (v.18).

The Lord is waiting patiently.  Waiting for you to turn back to Him. To seek Him out.

Just as David cries out to God in verses 21 - 22; you can try out to the Lord also.

"Lord, do not forsake me, do not be far from me, my God.  Come quickly to help me, my Lord and my Savior"

He is waiting with open arms to welcome you.


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  1. Beautiful. I originally was going to title mine, "Never Forsaken" where you took this.
    nannette (candacejo)

    1. Great minds! ;0) Thank you so much for visiting, and for your kind words. have a lovely weekend!

  2. Beautiful and simply stated! I love seeing how different these all are.

    1. Thanks Stephanie! Isn't it amazing how God uses the same words to meet all of us in our different messages? Have a beautiful weekend!


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