Friday, March 7, 2014

Willing in Weakness

The spirit is willing...

Willing to seek and serve God.  With all my heart.

I want to search for Him, and serve Him as a response.  Because He forgave me and saved me, not so that He will save me and forgive me.

I want to trust Him.  To stop believing the lies the enemy plants in my head.  To walk this journey not just believing in God, but believing God.  That His every Word is powerful and His promises are truth. 

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak... Scared.  Worry-filled.  Tentative.

That is my journey.  My story.  The very reason I must seek Him.

Weak - but willing.

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  1. Beckey, if we are all honest - it is all of our story!

    1. I know you're right. It's just such a difficult thing to admit. Thanks for visiting!

  2. Hi Beckey. Your message hit home to me today. I have been feeling every bit of my weakness and weariness and forgetting how God is seeking a willing spirit. He qualifies the called and enables us to do far more than we hope or imagine, to His praise and glory.
    I share your fears and scared feelings. But God.. is all the difference we need to make it through and finish strong. May He take your willingness, friend, and make of it a thing of beauty by His grace. Visiting from essentialfridays. Blessings for the week ahead. :) x

    1. I am constantly having to remind myself that I don't have to be enough. God is enough - I just have to let him!

  3. Being prepared to step out trusting God is a challenge. Thanks so much for these thoughts. Thanks for sharing at Essential Fridays.
    Mel from Essential Thing Devotions

    1. It really is... isn't it? But this is the challenge God has placed in front of me this year. Yikes! Scared, but trusting.


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