Monday, March 10, 2014


It was Ash Wednesday.  The beginning of the Lenten season.

And so I fast for the day. 

Not so I can consider myself righteous.  Or appear pious.  Or to be deserving.

It's not about me at all.

It's a denying of self.  An emptying of self.

To make room for Him and His holy Spirit to come in.  To fill every part of me.  
My body, heart, and mind.  My life.

Letting go of fear.  Trusting God to sustain me and provide for me.

And always faithful - He shows up and makes His presence known.

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  1. Breathing out me....breathing in Jesus! Only when I am empty can I be filled!!! HOPE your week is awesome!!

    1. "only when I am empty can I be filled" YES YES YES! And what are we filling ourselves with? God, or worldly distractions?

  2. I enjoyed your post on Fasting and filling one's self with God. Yes, fasting is for many a lost art of drawing closer to Jesus and taking time for Him. Thank you for sharing with us here at "Tell Me a Story."

    1. Thank you Hazel! This has been a very good lesson for me on setting aside the things which are distracting me from getting closer to Him!

  3. Beautifully said, Beckey. We fast to feast with Him. So lovely to "meet you" through Faith-Filled Friday today. :)

    1. Thank you so much Lyli! Nice to "meet" you also! Have a great weekend!


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