Thursday, April 10, 2014

A Spirit of Gratitude: April 10

This Week I Am Thankful For:

Opening the front door to find a large, beautiful moth on the screen door right in front of me
Wildflowers (aka: weeds) blooming in the yard
Spring breeze
The grand baby laughing at bumble bees
Moonlit clouds in the predawn sky
Listening to the world outside waking up
Family working together to rearrange the living room
Bright pink blooms on tree
New haircut
The grand baby getting so excited about playing at the park
Great deals (freebies!!) w/ coupons from Earth Fare
Baking pancake bites for family and our Connect group
The Man of the House saying "You can keep reading"
Talking to the Male Offspring about his classes for next year (his Junior year! *gulp*)
"Free" pizza
The family working as a team to clean
Lots of ideas for new blog posts
Cuddling up with the Man of the House to watch "Game of Thrones" season 4 premiere
Green grass suddenly everywhere
Finding time to clean out the care
Proverbs31 Ministries "Living So That" online Bible study started this week
 The Male Offspring pushing himself a little by signing up for Honors classes
My "baby" sister's birthday
Fresh cut grass

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  1. Nice post =) Just dropping by to say Hi =) #ThankfulThursday

  2. So many people do thankful posts in November--I love that you did one in April. It's so important to stop and think about the good things all year round! :) (Stopping by from abeautifulruckus)

  3. I love all of the little things you always focus on in your posts! Sometimes the little things are the best things :)


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