Friday, April 11, 2014


I'm seriously considering volunteering at my local library a few hours a week.

It makes sense.  I love books.  I love book stores and libraries. I'm pretty sure the bookstore doesn't use any volunteers. So the library is a good match.

And  part of me is hoping that maybe they'll let me work off some of my library fines.  Just kidding.  I don't have any library fines.  At least not at the moment. 

If I decide to do this, the hardest part might be trying to not bring all the books home with me at the end of my shift each week! Which I think is the same reason some people can't volunteer at animal shelters.

Do you volunteer anywhere? Tell us about it in the comments!

*How much do I love books? Find out at "The Endless To Be Read Pile"
* You can read more about my history with overdue fines at "Long Overdue"

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1 comment:

  1. I don't might not help much. They'll just find you sitting in a corner of the book stacks reading. LOL kidding!


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