Monday, April 21, 2014

Don't Just...

It's easy to get into a "comfortable" place with our faith.  A place where we believe in God, we know about God, and we talk to Him (pray) - so we must be doing OK.  But in the words of one of my favorite songs (Through the Motions by Matthew West) "just OK is not enough"! Just OK can be a place of complacency and apathy.  God wants to grow us.  To stretch us.  But we have to be willing to step beyond where we are comfortable with Him. 

So I am challenging myself - and all of you...

Don't just believe in God - Believe God!

Don't just know about God - Know God!

Don't just talk to God - Listen to God!

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  1. Your words are so true, we must have an intimate personal relationship with Jesus not to only know about him with head knowledge. Thank you for sharing with us here at "Tell Me a True Story."

    1. Yes! God is not just in the mind. He is in the heart, the soul, the very being!

  2. A good challenge, my friend. Have you ever done Beth Moore's study "Believing God"? It's a good one to get one in this mindset. Many blessings to you!

    1. I have not, but I will look into it! Thanks for sharing! Have a blessed day!


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