Friday, April 4, 2014

The Day We Almost Ate Fake Food

The other day I was making a quinoa taco bake for dinner.  I thought a little sprinkle of cheese could make it extra yummy, so when I went out to pick up the male offspring from his driver's ed class. (yes, he's taking driver's ed - yikes! But that's a story for another time) I stopped at the dollar store to grab some shredded cheese.

There was a bag with "Mexican Cheese Blend" in big letters on the front.  "That works!", I thought to myself and grabbing a bag, headed to the register.

While waiting in line, I took a second look at the package.  There in smaller (much much smaller) letters I see the words "cheese food".  Uh oh.  Flipping it over to look at the ingredient list - the first thing I see is "This product is not processed to melt" (in even smaller letters)


A quick read through of the ingredients confirmed there was little to no dairy in this product.  It wasn't cheese at all.  Rather some fake cheese item disguised as food.  As the male offspring put it: "I think that means it's plastic".  Ick.

So, another trip back to the refrigerated case to switch the "cheese food" for a bag of Sargento's real cheese.  And a lesson learned... always - ALWAYS read the labels! Otherwise you have no clue what you're consuming!

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