Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Spirit of Gratitude: April 24

This Week I Am THANKFUL For:

Not having to wait for car inspection
Clothes hanging on the clothesline

Staying up late to watch Les Miserables with the Man of the House
Morning walk at the park
Geese in the empty cornfield
Afternoon errands with the Man of the House
The Man of the House buying the book I wanted for me
Time to enjoy each other's company
Picking up needed parts for new stair railing
Easter-eve service
Watching the children's egg scramble
The Cross
A beautiful Easter day
He is risen!
Baked ham
Broccoli salad
Laughing at myself
Helping the Man of the House with the stairs (or trying to)

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  1. Thank you for linking up with us each week :) Time to enjoy each others company is cherished by me as well!

  2. Such a great list as always! A new book is always an exciting gift :)

  3. What wonderful, simple things for which to be thankful. I am always thankful for everyday things I do with my "man of the house." Just running errands together or taking a walk makes any day a good day!

    1. I know the feeling Lisa! :0) Have a blessed day!


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