Friday, August 31, 2012

August Goals: End of Month Update

  • Start some canning and/or freezing! 
  • Take at least one hour of time for myself each week. Give myself a pedi, take a bubble bath, etc.
  • Start working on items to increase the inventory for Queen B's Busy Work  CHECK
  • Complete "About" page for Queen B's Busy Work  
  • Daily writing. Not blog stuff - fiction or poetry.  If I give myself a break and count all the writing I've been doing for the blog, I'm doing pretty good.  I have done a bit more in my writing journal this week. 
  • Look into getting a book for help with writing exercises and/or prompts CHECK (haven't found one I want yet, but I've been looking)
  • Schedule a date night with the man of the house.  CHECK 
  • Get The Little Man ready to go back to school.  CHECK
  • Get back on track with household chores. CHECK (getting there, slowly.  doing better with the little man being back in school)
  • Work on creating and organizing crafting area in office/guest room.  I've attempted to start on this a few times with every good intention.  But I get overwhelmed with it all and have a serious mental block on what's going to work

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