Friday, August 17, 2012

I Blame Dr. Oz


Each week for the Follow Friday Four Fill In Blog Hop (try saying that 3 times fast!) Feeling Beachie gives us four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs.

Want to be featured as a Co-Host to the hop? Come up with four fill in’s of your own and email them to her at If she uses them, you get a nice little mention in that weeks hop! Please help her out and email some statements! This week’s co-host is Janice from Janice’s Footsteps (she came up with the last two statements)

And, since Feeling Beachie is sharing her blog hop with us - it's only far that we share and share alike! So, be sure to tweet, facebook, etc about the Follow Friday blog hop. And add the little linky tool there at the bottom to your own blog if you participate!

This week’s statements:
1.I ___ so much __ in a day
2.I don’t like ____ but I love ___
3.When I watch_______ I ­­­­____
4.I have ________in my wallet.

My Responses:

1.I am pretty sure I drink so much coffee in a day that my blood is caffeinated
2.I don’t like swimming but I love the beach

3.When I watch Dr. Oz I ­­­­convince myself I have whatever disorder or disease he is talking about.  I've had to stop watching before I got something fatal.

4.I have no money in my wallet.


  1. I loved the Dr.Oz answer it is very easy to self diagnosis :) have a great weekend.

  2. i am the same with number two .... unless the swimming is in a pool

  3. I love the beach too, but I don't like swimming at it. Wading maybe, but swimming no. :)

  4. I love the caffeinated blood fill in. Haha, that's great.


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the blogdom! I love hearing what you have to say; so please take a moment to share your thoughts!