Saturday, August 25, 2012

Back To School Supplies

Every year I look forward to back to school shopping.  And not just because it means sending the offspring to school and having a full quiet hours to fill each day.  There's more to it than the anticipation of mommy time.  It's the new school supplies.

What is it about new school supplies? 

The spiral notebooks, and packs of new notebook filler paper seem to already hold the promise of anything and everything that might end up there.  Notes to be taken, and reports to be written.  Blank pages whisper with anticipation of the words to fill them in the coming months. 

Each pen and pencil eager to meet page.  To pour forth the wisdom , knowledge, and new skills to be learned this year.  New poems, short stories, and creative writing essays are there in your hand, ready to come to life. 

Colored pencils, markers, crayons, and glue sticks are there too.  Prepared to take part in the artistic expressions of students.   Standing ready for whatever educational project may be assigned. 

Oh... the new box of crayons.  I could go on for days about the simple joy of opening the box for the first time and seeing all those perfectly formed points peering back at you.  The distinctive waxy smell that only comes from this particular source and once smelled brings forth a flood of memories of new coloring books or the first day of kindergarten.  New crayons and I have a very special relationship. 

I think if we look deep down inside, many of us still wish someone would take us by the hand every August and lead us to the store to buy us a whole new supply of fresh school supplies.  Which is probably why I can never resist the urge to buy myself a new notebook or a fresh pack of pens when I purchase the items on the teacher's list of needed supplies for the year.

And yes, sometimes I even sneak in a fresh new box of crayons too. 


  1. LOVE school supplies! and don't worry - you're not the only one who buys themselves some supplies while buying for the kiddos! nothing like a new box of crayons or a fresh spiral notebook!

  2. I had to smile at this post, as at my age of 46, I still get excited over new crayons, glue and paper..Oh my. I always ask for all the "white" crayons from the boxes as the kids don't use them, and I use them for my cards all the time. It has become a tradition. I used to love "paste" as a kid, and recall loving painting it on my hands and letting it dry and I would peel it off....parents would ask how I could go thru it so fast....

  3. I always loved the re-supply of getting ready to go back to school! And the crayons and colored constructions paper were the highlight. Silver and purple crayons and pink construction paper. Does life get any better than that?


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