Sunday, August 26, 2012

What's A Girl To Do?

It's a busy week around here.  A transitional week.  School starts tomorrow.  Guitar lessons and Bible studies are gearing up.  But all the rest of the things that need to be done won't just go away to accommodate all the new things added to the calendar.  Too bad. 

Things To Do This Week:
  • Catch up on the laundry (have to make sure school clothes are clean and ready to wear!)
  • Clean up living room
  • Work on organizing craft area
  • Work on projects for Queen B's Busy Work
  • Finish at least one of the books I'm reading
  • Do some writing
  • Go to library
  • Organize coupons
  • edited to add:  Schedule yearly mammogram!!


  1. Good luck. Hope you can get your to do list done. I have started a "to be done eventually" list for all those things I keep putting off ... for instance

    1. Get wireless printer working permanently (I can get it to work temporarily)

    2. Install latest operating system on my IPAD.

    3. Get data off old laptop disk.

    Hmmmm ... they seem to be computer things to do. Perhaps that is because I spend all day working with computers so I put off tasks at home like that :-)


    1. Makes sense to me! Who wants to do work type stuff once you get home?

  2. I like your list!! It seems do-able. Make sure you get that last one done!!!!

    1. Thanks! I think this week is managable. I will certainly schedule the appointment


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