Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Good Behaviour

What I wanted to eat for breakfast:
chocolate cupcake with butter cream frosting and white chocolate curls

What I actually ate for breakfast:
Greek yogurt with frozen mixed berries
Yes, I am giving myself extra credit points for making that smart and healthy choice this morning.  But don't think for a second I'm not eating that cupcake at some point today.  It's calling my name.


  1. Don't do it! Or if you do, cut it in half!

    Coming to you from BloggyMoms.


    1. LOL Thanks for the pep talk April. I think it will be ok. A cupcake every now and then shouldn't cause too much damage.

  2. I agree! Cut it in half, and give me the other half! :)

    1. Ha! You might have to fight my daughter for the other half!

  3. Good choice. I would take the yogurt and fruit any day over a cupcake. I'm just not a big cupcake person. Although my mom used to have a recipe for chocolate ones that had the choc chips in it and cream cheese. Those were good, but I don't care for ones with the sweet frosting.

    1. I usually prefer a good cream cheese frosting over a butter cream also. :0)

  4. Heck with half I want the whole thing I know there has to be another hiding somewhere LOL ..But right now even the yogurt looks good to me :)

    1. I ate the whole thing and it was delicious. Sorry, the kids split the last one.

  5. I am just learning to eat yogurt with breakfast. I don't like it at all, but found one flavor (strawberry)and brand that I can choke down..Wish I liked it. Everyone else seems to be able to embrace it. Now, the cupcake would be easy for me to eat.

    1. I can see how yogurt might not be everyone's thing. When I first tried greek yogurt I couldn't figure out what the big deal was. Then I tried a different brand and now I'm hooked!


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