Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Three Of Me... And A Maid

Things were sailing along so smoothly.  I couldn't believe how stress free the Christmas preparations seems to be for me this year.  I wasn't stressing.  I didn't feel pressed for time.  All of that has changed. 

I now realize that it was the calm before the storm.  I wasn't stressed because I didn't realize how much still needed to be done.  I thought I had plenty of time.  I was WRONG!!

This week I am stressed.  I feel pressed for time.  To be completely honest - I am freaking out a little bit.  My to-do list keeps getting longer, rather than decreasing in size.  I keep realizing what else needs done.  Projects finished.  Presents wrapped.  Baking done.  Much of it before tomorrow's dueling Christmas gatherings at both my own and The Man of the House's places of work.  Much more of it before Thursday when family starts arriving.

Today I look at that ever growing list and think to myself  "I need about 3 of me, and a maid!" 

And yet, I sit here blogging about it, procrastinating - rather than diving right in.  Apparently I still have not learned my lesson.

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