Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday Spotlight: Jeremiah 29:11

Each Sunday in November I will be spotlighting guest posts written by women who have blogs which inspire and encourage me. This week's Guest Blogger is:

Jeremiah 29:11

"Bee" Alert

There used to be signs along the Interstate that said "Bee" Alert, with a big bumblebee to let drivers know they needed to stay alert to avoid an accident. Our sweet daughter, who was just a little girl at the time, thought there were actual bees we were being warned to watch out for. Yes, we laughed at her and explained what the signs meant. I read scripture recently that brought the signs back to mind....

I Peter 5:8 -
Stay alert!
Watch out for your great enemy, the devil.
He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

Many years ago, as a Sunday school teacher, I gave an illustration of how sneaky the devil can be. The door to our life might be partly open....just a little crack, but enough for Satan to get a toehold. Once we allow him to get that far, then he proceeds to swing the door open a little wider if we aren't careful to see that our life might be headed in the wrong direction, until finally the door is wide open and we're in over our heads. The best thing to do is to grasp the thought, or the action as soon as it happens and to slam that door shut. Just as Joseph ran from Potiphar's wife, we need to run in the opposite direction that Satan is leading. In my own life, I have to stay alert by keeping in His word on a daily basis....praying....listening to Christian music....whatever it takes to keep me as close to HIM as possible!!!

Another thing is to make scripture personal to us.....

Hebrews 4:15

Jesus understands my weaknesses because He faced all of the same testings I do.

Yet He did not sin!!!

All of these things help me to "Bee" Alert!!!


  1. Thank you so much, Ms. Beckey!!! I linked your blog to mine today. HOPE you have a blessed SONday!

    1. Thank you SO much for participating and sharing yourself with my little blog! It was a blessing. Have a beautifully blessed week Ms Debbie!

  2. I am visiting from Jeremial 29:11, have enjoyed the visit.

    1. Thank you for stopping by Norma! Have a wonderful week!

  3. Becky, I enjoyed Deb's message and was blessed by her love of the Lord. Have a great Lord's Day!!

    1. Isn't she wonderful? :0) Thanks for reading and commenting! Have a lovely week!


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the blogdom! I love hearing what you have to say; so please take a moment to share your thoughts. Have a blessed day!