Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday Spotlight: Tales of Beauty for Ashes

Each Sunday in November I will be spotlighting guest posts written by women who have blogs which inspire and encourage me. This week's Guest Blogger is:


Hey ya'll, I'm Becky and I blog over at Tales of Beauty for Ashes. To read the meaning behind my blog name, go here. WARNING: That is a pretty vulnerable post
SO if you want to get broken in easy, read the post below first! 
I am a woman, who tries so hard to keep things simple in real life. Today, I am here to tell you about ways to KISS in marriage.
Okay, this isn't a post on kissing technique. Rather, it is on the technique to keep things fun and simple in your marriage. It isn't always going to be as easy as (wedding) cake.

Life is hard. This is truth we all know. If you aren't deliberate about keeping things simple in your marriage, it will go downhill. Fast.
Here are some tips on ways to keep the fun in your marriage and who knows, you may end up getting some kissing in too!

1.      Remember what first attracted you to your spouse. It is so easy to lose sight of this. It's there – look for it!

2.      Don't focus so much on the little things. Your spouse is going to bother you. Just like traffic will bother you. Check yourself, is the thing that is bothering you a big deal or should you just let it go. Remember, keep it simple!

     3. Look for reasons to appreciate your spouse. It may seem hard at first. Trust me, if you look hard enough, you will find SOMETHING!      

4. KISS. Okay, this time I really mean it. Find ways to touch each other. Make an excuse to kiss your spouse. Not only does it increase those happy hormones, but it burns calories, too!

5.       Enjoy each other. Your spouse has their quirks. So do you. Enjoy who you married, they are a gift to you!

How do YOU keep things simple in your marriage?

 Please join me for the month of November, as we do the 30 Days to a Better Marriage Challenge!

I would love to get to know you more! Please stop by and say hello!


  1. I really enjoy reading Becky's blog. Thanks for sharing her with us on your blog. Xoxo

    1. She's pretty great, isn't she? I absolutely love this marriage challenge she is doing right now!


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the blogdom! I love hearing what you have to say; so please take a moment to share your thoughts!