Thursday, January 10, 2013

Now I Want A Chili Dog And A Nap

Linking up with A Complete Waste of Makeup for "It's OK Thursday"

It's OK...

It's OK that no matter how much I clean, my kitchen still looks like a disaster area

It's OK that I can walk an hour or more on the treadmill no problem, but 10 minutes on the elliptical machine kicks my behind

It's OK that I'm only working out 3 days this week instead of 5

It's OK to want a chili dog

It's OK to want a nap

It's OK that remodeling the living room has me ready to redecorate the entire house

It's OK not to get this "One Direction" boy band thing at all

It's OK to have lost an hour (or two) in Pinterest

It's OK to think some people have far too much time on their hands (and to be a tiny bit jealous)

It's OK that this is the only blog post I wrote today


  1. My kitchen will never NOT be a disaster area.

  2. Trust me... I don't get the One Direction thing either. In fact my supervisor was talking about her 12 year old daughter loving them and I was like.... who??? I felt pretty old, needless to say.

  3. This makes me feel so much better about some of the things I do...or don't do!!! ;-)


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