I have to admit. I was wondering if it was making any difference yet. Had The Man of the House even noticed any of the things I had done as my daily dares?
Yes, I know… it shouldn’t matter. That’s not the point. It’s not about getting attention or accolades. But I couldn’t help but think these thoughts anyway.
Last night I got my answer.
He told me that he felt as if I had been “happier” over the last week or so. That he felt as if I was thinking of him and considering his feelings and needs. And that he appreciated it.
Yah! He can see the changes in me and how I treat him. He feels appreciated!
And that IS the point. For him to feel appreciated, cherished and loved.
Yippie!!! I'm so glad you received your answer. It is always helpful when we know that our effort is being noticed. :) You go girl!! I have had to bite my tongue a bit around here lately. I wonder if I'm stuck on that day?????