Thursday, August 29, 2013


I'm a quitter.

I've quit a large percentage of things I have started during my lifetime so far.  From dance classes to hobbies to college - I've quit.

And then there's the even longer list of things I never even started.

Why? Why quit?

I start off strong. Full of hope and determination.

Then the doubt creeps in.  The worry.  The need for approval and it's twin the fear of rejection. That little voice in the back of my head telling my I'm not good/smart/talented/pretty/educated/qualified/brave enough.  Whispering that I don't have enough time.  Or energy.  Maybe even making me believe I'm not needed or wanted.

(Perhaps you recognize yourself in me?)

The time has come to stop listening to the doubt and fear.  Start listening to the Truth.

The Truth reminds me that God made me enough! I am:
  • Good enough         
  • Smart enough         
  • Talented enough     
  • Strong enough        
  • Courageous enough
To complete anything He wants me to do! 

I just have to say "Yes God - whatever you want" and stick with it. 

I think I just came pretty close to havng me a 'Stuart Smalley' moment there.  Anyone else remember him from old Saturday Night Live skits?


  1. oh, I did see me in this. Thank you for sharing! Lifting you up in prayers!

  2. Thank you for sharing! I often find myself thinking of reasons why I can't do something but if I just stop and think of God's goodness in my life...your words have helped me today.

    1. You are not alone. I have talked myself out of so many things in life!

  3. Thank you for posting this. It is so very interesting. I did graduate college but it doesn't seem as if I have been able to accomplish much since. I doubted myself throughout school and my grades suffered for it. My confidence hasn't gotten better either. I constantly doubt that God can use me for anything. I too need to stop listening to the doubt and fear that invades my thoughts. I am glad to know that through this OBS we can travel this road together. i look forward to reading more of your blogs.

    1. Thank yoy dec25kelly! We are all in this together. Isn't it intetesting to see how much we all have in common and the different perspectives?

  4. Great Post Beckey - Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks so much for taking time to read and comment!

  5. I liked this so much that I started reading some of your coffee posts. You have a way of saying a lot via a concise number of words. Thank you for reminding about all the ways that God delights in me and finds me to be "good enough"--at least for that day--and encourages me to become even more through Him.

    1. Aw, thanks. I hope you enjoyed the coffee series!

  6. I LOVE your post! It hit home, big time! What an excellent reminder from God's word that we are precious in His sight and good enough to finish the tasks to which He has called us. Thank you so much for sharing - and yes, I remember the Stuart Smalley skit, ha ha ha! All you need is a "and dog gone it, people like me!" :)

    1. Whatever He calls us to do, He will equip us for it. We just have to trust that and press on!

  7. I love your Stuart Smalley imitation! He was hilarious. I need to start imitating him more. I so agree with your thoughts on speaking God’s truths instead of knocking ourselves down. I am not great with the self-talk!


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