Monday, January 23, 2012

Tomorrow, Tomorrow... I Love Ya Tomorrow!

Despite threatening to make an appearance since around New Year's, my stubborn grandson still has not arrived.  The Little Prince seems quite determined to stay right where he is - safe and warm inside his Mommy.  On the other hand, Mommy (The Princess) has felt he needs evacuate the premises for a good 2 to 3 weeks now!

Because of his refusal to evacuate his current home , and since he shows no signs of making that move today either - they have scheduled her induction tomorrow morning at 41 weeks and one day.  I am nervous for her.  I am excited for her.  I am very, very eager to meet The Little Prince! 

Say a little prayer for a complication free delivery.  Send some positive thoughts their way.  All will be welcome! 

Unless I get inspired again later today - the next time I blog I will officially be a grandma!

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