Tuesday, October 2, 2012

30 Days of Activity: Day Two

We've hit a snag.  Yes, already. 

You see, last night I started having some discomfort in a broken molar.  By 3:30 this morning it was full blown pain.  After much anxiety on my part, and some gentle pushing by the female offspring and the male of the house - I ended up at the dentist this afternoon.  Where the remains of the tooth were extracted.  I was sent home with a numb face, a big chunk of gauze in my mouth, a prescription for antibiotics, and orders not to exercise for 24 hours while the extraction site clots and starts to heal. 

Um... well, that certainly puts a damper on the whole "30 Days of Activity" thing.

I wonder if I could manage a nice walk to the end of the road and back without causing a hemorrhage or any other complication?


  1. :-(. Sorry for your pain. I think you just got an order to relax on your couch with a good movie. ;-). Xoxo

    1. Thank you. I got the pamper treatment last night. Relaxing while someone else makes dinner. :0)

  2. Sitting in a dentist's chair resisting the urge to run screaming is a very vigorous activity! Keep up the good work and feel better!

    1. You know, I did feel pretty exhausted after! ;0)

  3. Ouch!! Hope you heal well and fast!

  4. Hope you feel better! On the flip side, it gave you a post for day 2!


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