Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Brand New Week: Update

Ok, let's review.  Since I hardly even left the house this week, you would think I must have gotten a lot accomplished inside, right?   Yeh... you would think that. 

To Do List for October 15 - 19:
  • Write everyday Check!!
  • Work on Christmas presents Well, I started to work on a Christmas present.  And quickly realized that I needed a crochet hook size I didn't have (as impossible as that seems, it's true!)  I do have the hook now, and am ready to roll!  OH... I did pick up a Christmas present.  Does that count?
  • List a few new items on Queen B's Busy Work CHECK!!  (please check them out at Queen B's Busy Work!)
  • Start painting projects on dining room furniture I took some "before" pictures and took the hardward off one piece, so I am counting that as "starting".
  • Catch up on laundry  Still working on that one.  The laundry pile seems to grow as fast as I can wash it (or faster)  I think it may be regenerating on its own.
  • Walk at least 2 days  Nope.  Walked one day.
  • Go to library  I didn't personally go to the library. But the female offspring took her brother and picked up my hold, so I'm calling it done.
"Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." ~ Philippians 4:8

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