Monday, October 22, 2012

Living Room Renovation: Day 2 -

Day 2 of the Great Living Room Remodel of 2012 called for the Man of the House to adjust the depth of a couple of electrical boxes to account for the drywall-to-be being thicker than the former panelling.  Once he had that task accomplished it was time to start measuring, cutting, and hanging the drywall.

First section of drywall up!

Drywall on other side of fireplace

Looking good!  Well, except for that big gap of exposed brick and foam insulation over the fireplace

Ta Da!!  Looks  better already, doesn't it?


  1. It is looking great. The brick on your fireplace reminds me of ours...on the outside of our house. I dream for a fireplace!!!

  2. loving it so far! can't wait to see it the finished product!


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