Monday, October 15, 2012

In Review

I'm going to pretend the To Do list for last week just didn't even exist.   It wasn't a good week.

The week started with me feeling some cold symptoms.  I was congested, sneezy, scratchy throat, headachey, and just feeling generally - blah! 

Things went down hill from there. 

I did get lots of help from the family to get the house cleaned up as we prepared for my sisters to visit this past weekend.  They were especially industrious and helpful and I can't begin to tell them how much I appreciated it!

Wednesday evening I ended up in the emergency room.  We were scurrying around, trying to get some last minute things done before my sister and niece arrived.  My chest started getting tight with an asthma attack.  I used my rescue inhaler.  No improvement.  I started sipping a cup of coffee.  Things got tighter.  I stepped outside to see if some fresh, cool evening air would help.  Kept getting tighter.  I was having a lot of trouble moving air.  This is when I got scared.  The Man of the House rushed me to the hospital.  (fortunately we live less than 2 miles away). 

Less than 1 and 1/2 hours, 3 nebulizer breathing treatments, and a steroid shot later - we were headed home.

Once the company started arriving - all other To Do's just disappeared off the list.  It was all about spending time with my sisters and nieces! 


  1. I'm glad you are feeling better!! My little has dealt with asthma....NOT a fun thing! Xoxo


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