Tuesday, October 9, 2012

No Time for That

I don't feel good.  (well?  whatever...) 

My head hurts.  I'm congested.  My sinuses burn.  My throat is scratchy.  I'm feeling a bit nauseous.  And I'm just generally achy and tired.  What I really want is to lie down and take a nice long nap.

Here's the thing - I don't have time for that.

I have family coming into town in the next 48 hours.  I need to finish getting the house cleaned up.  It is in no way, shape, or form "guest ready".  Carpets need cleaning.  Bathrooms need cleaning.  Towels (and other laundry) need washed.  Floors need swept.

I also have to get the male offspring to guitar lessons after school.  AND he has a violin concert tonight.  Somewhere in there I have to feed him and the rest of the family some dinner.

If I crawl up under the covers and hide, would all the to-do list somehow magically be done when I crawl back out? 

Yeh, I didn't think so.


  1. I feel for you. I am headachy, too. I'm hoping from dehydration and not from a sickness coming. There is so much to do and so little time to take a break.

    Hope you feel better and accomplish all on your to-do list.

    1. I think it's a combination of being worn down physically from the whole drama of last week, allergy season (part 2) and too much to do. Hope that headache cleared up!

  2. Oh no! I hope you feel better really really soon!

    P.S. When you're feeling better, Papa is Preacher would like to cordially invite you to our very first Link Up party beginning tomorrow (Thursday) at 9:30 a.m. going 'till Tuesday. Please see this post for more info: http://papaisapreacher.blogspot.ca/2012/10/tidbit-thursday.html
    We'd really be honored to see you there!

    1. Cool! I love a chance to spread the word about my blog and visit some new ones.

  3. I wish we lived close I would love to come help you with that list I am a great laundry girl and I have a brand new shampooer but this is what you need to look at what is the most important and what will they not know wasn't done??? Feel better Beckey, I changed my blog so this is Janice aka Janice's Footsteps.

  4. I hope your feeling better. I was thinking today that "Mommys" never get a day off regardless how they feel.

  5. Hang in there! Sounds definitely like a housework challenge. AIRBORNE to the Rescue!!


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